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The 4th International Meeting of the California Forum of the Lacanian Field

Luis Izcovich and The Efficacy of Psychoanalysis


Venues and Themes

Friday, April 18:
UCLA, 348 Kaplan Hall

What Can We Expect From Analysis Today?



Saturday, April 19:
New Center For Psychoanlaysis

A Therapeutic Not Like The Others



Sunday, April 20:
New Center For Psychoanalysis

Ends of Analysis




Guest Bio:

Luis Izcovich currently teaches at the College of the Psychoanalytic Clinic of Paris. Previously, he has also taught in Psychoanalysis at the University of Paris-VIII. He holds a Phd in Psychoanalysis from Paris-VIII, is a clinical and training psychoanalyst, and is a founding member of the International Forums of the Lacanian Field and its School of psychoanalysis, the SPFLF. Additionally, Izcovich is the author of several influential texts, including The Marks of a Psychoanalysis (2015), which will feature in the weekend's discussions.

Symposium Details

Program Committee:

  • Eleanor Kaufman

  • Apurva Shah

  • Gabriela Moreira

  • Seth Alt

Friday, April 18, UCLA

Welcome and introductions, opening lecture by Izcovich followed by a Q&A session, reception to follow


Saturday, April 19, NCP

Registration and coffee welcome, lecture with Q&A session, clinical case presentation with remarks by Izcovich, an additional case presentation or symposium, book discussion of The Marks of a Psychoanalysis with signings and Q&A, reception


Sunday, April 20, NCP

Lecture from Izcovich with a Q&A session, closing remarks followed by final Q&A session

Registration Details:

We are offering a number of registration options to accommodate different forms of participation over the holiday weekend. Friday's events are free to all parties interested in psychoanalysis, however, we do ask attendees still register for Friday's events, as space will be limited. Saturday and Sunday's events at NCP are accompanied by a fee and will also offer CEs to clinicians at the master's level​​​​ (LMFT, LCSW, and LPCC). Additionally, registration for Saturday and Sunday will be available at a discounted rate until March 18th, one month prior to the beginning of the series.


To receive the registration forms for the event please contact the forum's email address:


Registration Options:

  • Friday, at UCLA, free to all attendees, no CEs

  • Saturday Only, at NCP:

    • Early Registration Until March 18th, With CEs, $170 /// No CEs, ​$150

    • Late Registration After March 18th, With CEs, $200 /// No CEs, $170

    • Students, Any Time, $75

  • Both Saturday and Sunday, at NCP:​

    • Early Registration Until March 18th, With CEs, $220 /// No CEs, $200​

    • Late Registration After March 18th, With CEs, $250 /// No CEs, $220

    • Students, Any Time, $100​


Online Participation:​​

This is primarily an in-person event, however online participation is being considered for out-of-state attendees. For now, online participation is being treated in the fashion of LA Dodgers radio broadcasts: the more in-person attendance we have, the more we will open up additional channels for online participation.​​


©2022 by California Forum of the Lacanian Field

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