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Seminar of Formation 2024
Direction of the Treatment
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The Lighthouse, Antonio Peticov

The Seminar of Formation of the California Forum aims to establish a continuous space for the transmission of psychoanalysis and the formation of the psychoanalyst in a Lacanian orientation. It connects local clinicians and other interested parties with the network of psychoanalysts and analysands that constitute the Forums of the Lacanian Field and its School.


This year, the seminar will investigate the topic of the direction of the treatment. We will take the opportunity to discuss questions that refer to the analyst’s function of sustaining the “analytic situation”, allowing the analysand to inquire, through free association, about their unconscious implication in their own suffering and, from there, acting to create a way to sustain their desire. As the analytic dispositif is never established once and for all due to shifts in transference and the resistance generated by speech itself, the analyst has the responsibility to reestablish the conditions of the analysis throughout the process.   


The psychoanalyst’s sustaining of the “analytic situation” requires an ethical position that stems from the desire of the analyst. It guides their response to the analysand’s demands for being happy and being loved by directing the treatment via interpretation and the maneuver of transference, allowing each subject to create their own particular solution to sustain their desire. Amongst other things, we will discuss questions regarding transference, interpretation, desire, fundamental phantasy, diagnostics, shifts in the works of Freud and Lacan regarding the topic, and so on.


The seminar is intended for a heterogeneous audience. Discussion will be fomented via theoretical elaborations and clinical material.




Monthly meetings, on Saturdays

From 11am to 12:30pm (PST)

Platform: Zoom

Free of charge


To join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 875 4103 0733

Passcode: 906700






February 24th  ~  The Ethics of Desire in the Direction of the Treatment

Gabriela Moreira


March 23rd  ~  The Lacanian Registers of Subjectivity: Real, Symbolic and Imaginary

Chris Nelson


April 20th  ~  The Immortal Wolf Man: an Enigma Reconsidered 

Jed Wilson


May 25th  ~  The Lacanian Logics of Subjectivity: Desire, Jouissance, Fantasy

Chris Nelson


June 8th  ~  What Do We Treat In Psychoanalysis? Considerations on Symptom and Fantasy

Gabriela Moreira


August 24th  ~  You and I Are Spacetime: Towards a Clinic of Territories and Temporalities

Jed Wilson


September 21st  ~  Trajectories of Formalization in Lacan's Works and the Notion of Structure

Antonella Marreiros


October 19th  ~  Paradigmatic Moments in Lacan's Works and Ethical Repercussions in the Direction of the Treatment

Antonella Marreiros


November 16th  ~  Diagnosis and the Direction of the Treatment  

Guest Speaker: Christian Dunker 


Gabriela Moreira, PhD

Psychoanalyst in Private Practice, member of the California Forum and of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forum of the Lacanian Field. Holds a PhD with the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Publications include: Psychoanalysis and Political Theory (2018), Reflections on Authority: A Dialogue between Hannah Arendt and Jacques Lacan (2018), Jouissance as a Political Category (2019), and Let Oneself Be Caused by Foreignness (2021).

Christian Dunker, PhD

Lacanian psychoanalyst in private practice in São Paulo, Brazil. He is an Analyst Member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field. He teaches at São Paulo University’s Clinical Psychology Department, and is a Member of the International Society for Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. He has published several books and articles on psychoanalysis, politics and philosophy, including The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic (Karnac Books). He frequently participates in the public debates in Brazilian media on the topics of social movements, mental health, and educational politics.

Antonella Marreiros

Psychoanalyst, Research Director at the International Institute of Psychoanalysis - IIP, founding member of the Center for the Clinical Arts, member of the California Forum, member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field. 

Chris Nelson

Psychoanalyst in private practice in Nashville, TN, a founding member of the Center for the Clinical Arts, a member of the California Forum, a member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field. He is also in formation through the International Institute of Psychoanalysis (IIP).

Jed Wilson

Psychoanalyst, a member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, a clinical associate faculty member of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and a founding member of the Center for the Clinical Arts. Wilson has presented his work on psychoanalytic theory at various venues through the U.S. and internationally. He is in private practice in New Hampshire.

©2022 by California Forum of the Lacanian Field

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